Two weeks ago, Marley and Todd went to a Father-Daughter Dance at the Boys & Girls Club around the corner from Main Street. Technically, Beanie crashed the dance with her dad. It was an event for daughters in kindergarten through grade five, but let's face it: she might as well in be in second grade, the way she reads, and if you count her diva ways and predilection for sparkly eye-shadow, she might as well be thirteen. Plus, her cousin and pal Riley was going with her dad, otherwise known as Championship Hockey Coach Michael. Go Hawks.
Also, this dance provided the perfect opportunity for Marley to once again wear the so beautiful and pink pouffy dress she last showcased at her birthday tea party. And then, I asked her if she wanted me to put some heated rollers in her hair. Um, in case you're wondering, of course she did. And then, that little squirt Toot wanted to get primping, too.
While Marley and Rudy waited like patient ladies for their hair to curl, I offered to apply some subtle eye-shadow and blush to my five-year-old's sweet little face. And I did, while wearing my own Friday afternoon best: an enormous Smith College sweatshirt and a knitted winter hat suitable for a Rastafarian who is drawn to winter whites. Sometimes, when Todd and I are scurrying around with hairbrushes or socks or cups of milk that Marley or Rudy need, we're all, "Here you go, Beyonce." We're like celebrity assistants frantically prepping Sasha Fierce until the moment she steps on the stage. And the flurry around Marley after my lacrosse practice and before Todd and Bean left for their date was just more of the same.
Marley's precious pose beside her slovenly underling, above, is typical. She is more graceful than I could ever be. And by the way, tomorrow she's getting her school pictures taken, so tonight I was filling out the form that required me to choose options such as "glasses: on or off" and "hand pose: yes or no." First of all, glasses? On. They are who Marley is, her newest pair especially. Second, a hand pose? I added my own note: "It's up to her!" But I am just about certain that she will be all over that.
Before Todd and Bean left for their special, special night, Marley added a pair of white satin, elbow-length gloves, and Todd presented her with a tiny pink bouquet. Then we took some pictures in the front yard while Rudy stomped around in two different tutus and munched on goldfish crackers. Eventually, Toot and I went inside and hung out on the couch, completely comfortable in our ridiculous tulle skirts and gigantic hoodie, respectively. Meanwhile, Todd and Marley dined with Michael and Riley before heading to the gymnasium (where I went to dances in junior high school) so that Beanie could, officially, throw her hands up in the air sometimes while Taio Cruz lit it up like dynamite. Ahem. Get out the way of her and her crew.