Under the (Crummy) Weather
I've been feeling gross, too. Like the sick where you feel shivery and smudgy. Yesterday, even the good Sudafed, the kind you need to show your license to get, wasn't enough. I was literally walking around with tissues stuffed up my nostrils. Last night, while I rocked a wretched Rudy for about three hours, she gazed up at me every so often in disbelief, like, "Mom? You've got a tissue stuck up your nose. It's ridiculous, and it's ruining the soothing maternal thing you've got going."
Also, it is gloomy and drizzly. Again. We're going to brave the dreary elements to see what Rudy's pediatrician has to say about her tragic late nights, although, of course Rudy isn't a tiny, weepy, pink oven right now and she's actually sort of chill. Typical. I think I've brought Marley to the doctors twice for non-well visits. (For weigh-ins, pediatric endocrinology, pediatric nephrology? For blood work, x-rays, ultrasounds? Oh, all the time.) And once there, she's fever-free and delightful, and the doctor maybe thinks I've got some Munchausen going. I don't. Anyhow, Marley plans to accompany us in her SuperGirl costume. I told her I'd be so glad to have a super hero with me in case we run into any trouble.
"I'm not a real super hero, Mommy. It's just a costume!"
Marley's dramatics are hitting what I'm sure are the first of many peaks. Last night, Todd threw away a scrap of paper she had cut out and was referring to as her "work." Marley nearly melted.
"That was my special paper! And now it's RUINED!"
Tell me about it, Bean.