Fame, Infirmity, and COOKIES!
We are officially VIP on the internets. My cousin Amber started a smart and super blog over a year ago, and she writes about being a sometimes mellow and sometimes neurotic mom to her sweet little Stella. She started the blog because Stella was on a feeding tube, but that was long, long ago. Now she's doing things like interviewing famous moms who've had both purposeful and unintentional media exposure. And also, interviewing obscure moms like me.
Please go check it out, and please read around lifeandtimesofstella.com for Amber's wisdom and Stella's shenanigans while you're there. And here's another please: maybe leave a comment? I am having (ridiculous, I know) low self-esteem because her first interview understandably garnered seventeen comments and mine's got an understandably measly, but super-appreciated one. And Amber's next interview is with a woman who was on the Today Show, for Pete's sake.

Rudy wasn't really herself this week. She had a very boogey cold and was downright spacey instead of her usual mellow. She whined and cried a lot at nap time and bed time. And I felt some MOLARS popping out way back in those teeny gums. So when she felt warm and acted super sad, she got some Tylenol. That's how we rolled for about four days or so. And then yesterday she woke up from the nap she collapsed into before lunch all rattly and wheezy. We ended up at the pediatrician's and learned that she has...wait for it...wait for it:
PNEUMONIA! And...it gets better...
Oh, Toot. Even while teething molars, suffering from TWO ear infections, and coughing through a bout with pneumonia, you're still pretty delightful.

And also, Marley and I made homemade Oreos yesterday. I've got to keep that cookie jar filled, you know. They're pretty great, especially after you twist the cookies apart. They're too thick and crunchy to chomp into as is, I think. And Marley, after helping me to mix and flatten and pipe and sandwich this delightful platter, tried one, declared she didn't like them, and went for the bag of the Nabisco version in the cabinet.