Thank goodness for babies. For new babies, not even a day old. So CUTE that you will squeal and get all fidgety in their presence. That's what I do, anyhow. My sister Danielle had her baby boy last night. Jackson Jeffrey. He looks just like his dad.

I drove through the snow to get some new baby time tonight. I needed it. Good job, Danielle and Jeff. Jackson is ridiculously adorable. And Emma is a big sister. Emma, by the way, told me before I tucked her in last night (while her mommy and daddy were busy) that my hair looked pretty. I will ride that hard-to-acquire compliment for the next week or so.

Hooray for Jackson!


hnanartowich said…
Hooray for Jackson is right! He is great and finally Owen has someone to play hoakey trucks with.
Amber said…
YAY! Was thrilled to hear the news from my mom. I hope to meet him when we're in town. He is super duper adorable to the max. And Emma's right about your hair :)

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