
On Friday, Marley's preschool class premiered its production of "The Three Little Pigs" in the high school's mini-theater. They filmed it about a month ago, in the conveniently located television studio just off of the cafeteria. After some green screen work and sound editing, it was ready to debut, and there was Beanie, on the big screen, as the Straw Pig.

Also, the week or so before this screening, I'd been craving cupcakes. With cream cheese frosting. So I asked Marley's teachers if I could make some the class some piggie cakes, decorated with dyed coconut, pretzel sticks, and sliced Twizzler nibblers. Beanie was my sous chef, and then she and Todd helped color in piggies and cut them out.

It was a confectionary milestone for me. And I made about a half dozen extra, which my little family and I ate up before the day was done. We're just four little pigs in our wooden house, with a great little kitchen for churning out the, as Marley would say, sweeties.


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