Vacuuming! All-Day Sitting! And Cheering!

In lieu of Christmas presents for each other, Todd and I decided to upgrade our kitchen chairs from the folding ones we've been using for the past ten years to actual, real, substantial wooden chairs.  By the time we chose a set, and an on-clearance floor-model table to go with it, it was January.  And the pieces, from an unfinished furniture outlet, were going to be stained and ready for pick-up on my actual birthday, so...celebrate good times!  With solid wooden chairs that won't creak or wobble or collapse into a splintered pile!

I was alarmingly, over-the-top excited about this.  On Friday, I dismantled our table and loaded it into Danielle's Jeep; I moved our two remaining folded chairs (the others were in a pile Todd had gleefully designated for kindling) to the basement.  I vacuumed.  And then, when I called to basically triple-check that the furniture was in, I was told that it had been delayed and could be expected the next morning.  But the good news is that our lack of a table and chairs provided the perfect excuse for a birthday Japanese steakhouse hibachi dinner for four!

And you better believe that on Saturday morning, after Marley's gymnastics class and Rudy's dance class, the preparation for real furniture began anew.  This time Marley helped to vacuum, and it was necessary after the birthday cupcake picnic from the night before.  Rudy helped by running around with a Sesame Street football, and at one point, captured above, she showed great promise as a center ready to hike.

We didn't get the call that our furniture was ready until after four o'clock, and when Todd went to pick it up, he noticed that the table's stain on one end was not up to his standards.  The employees at the outlet agreed, and so the table was sent back out, Todd came home with four great chairs, and we lugged up the old butcher block table from the house we lived in before this one, the 600 square foot home that required a table sized 22" x 48" (without drop leafs).

As far as inconveniences go, this is somewhere in between a first world problem and what Todd look-alike Super Why, bless his heart, would consider a Super Big Problem.  I still sat on those chairs just about all day on Sunday, though, in a lazy, drawn-out celebration of my own.  And we should get the table by tomorrow, and more importantly, both Todd and my sisters gifted me with CELTICS TICKETS, so I have nothing to whine about.  Thanks for celebrating my super fan-ness, Heather, Danielle, and Todd.  Regardless of the score, I will yell "FOR THREEEEEEE!" so loud.  I promise.


Amber said…
YAY!!! Happy birthday! I can't wait until we get a real wooden dining set. You are living the dream. And you deserve it!

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