Missing in (Fishy) Action.
Twist Hounce is missing again. It seems like just last week when he was still a reassuring constant in Rudy's gang of inanimate companions, when he was resting on the sill of the observation window at Marley's dance class, watching the ballet warm-up with the rest of his friends and relations. And now? He's probably underneath the couch or living it up at some imaginary undersea club that plays Bossa Nova remixes and serves cocktails with intriguing things like chili tinctures and cardamom syrup. [True story: a new, delicious, delightful restaurant opened downtown and it features amazing flatbread pizza and cocktails with intriguing things like chili tinctures and cardamom syrup. I want to go to there once a week.]
At least Marley made a helpful reward poster the other night, and I'm hoping the promise of a reward will tempt Twisty to come out of hiding. You should probably know the following background information to appreciate Bean's thorough detail:
1. The song attributed to Twist beside his spot-on portrait has two distinct parts. The first line ("I'm a Twist Hounce") should be sung, loudly, to the tune of "(She's a) Brick House." The next line is from a casual song Rudy made up while playing with her MagnaTiles earlier this month. She was constructing towers and houses and repeatedly half- muttering, half-crooning, "You're-ruinin'-my-day-tchicka-tchicka-tchicka!" Try it the next time someone pisses you off, and you'll find that your day has gotten marginally better.
2. The telephone booth mentioned is actually a plush compartment for a small Super Grover stuffy, one of the first baby toys I bought (or received, I can't remember) when I was pregnant with Marley. I was determined to make that earnest, gangly, blue monster a part of my kids' childhood. In retrospect, all they know is to call me if Grover ever shows up on TV and I'm not already in the room. Like, "Oh, here's this guy our supposedly adult mother giggles over. She's so weird."
3. Marley and Todd asked Rudy how old Twist is, and she answered 45. There is, unsurprisingly, no rhyme or reason for this.
At least Marley made a helpful reward poster the other night, and I'm hoping the promise of a reward will tempt Twisty to come out of hiding. You should probably know the following background information to appreciate Bean's thorough detail:
1. The song attributed to Twist beside his spot-on portrait has two distinct parts. The first line ("I'm a Twist Hounce") should be sung, loudly, to the tune of "(She's a) Brick House." The next line is from a casual song Rudy made up while playing with her MagnaTiles earlier this month. She was constructing towers and houses and repeatedly half- muttering, half-crooning, "You're-ruinin'-my-day-tchicka-tchicka-tchicka!" Try it the next time someone pisses you off, and you'll find that your day has gotten marginally better.
2. The telephone booth mentioned is actually a plush compartment for a small Super Grover stuffy, one of the first baby toys I bought (or received, I can't remember) when I was pregnant with Marley. I was determined to make that earnest, gangly, blue monster a part of my kids' childhood. In retrospect, all they know is to call me if Grover ever shows up on TV and I'm not already in the room. Like, "Oh, here's this guy our supposedly adult mother giggles over. She's so weird."
3. Marley and Todd asked Rudy how old Twist is, and she answered 45. There is, unsurprisingly, no rhyme or reason for this.