Stop it!

Look at this.  This is the spare but colorful, and perhaps slightly deranged, decorating I did two weeks ago to herald the arrival of spring.  I knew at the time there could still be some snow in March, but I chose not to dwell on that possibility for too long.  I was optimistic.

And then, just about two feet of snow fell.  Listen to me: almost two feet.  

It started at night and continued on through the rest of the next day.  The only ones who appreciated it were children skipping around the house, ecstatic about yet another snow day and oblivious about the potential misery of additional school in June.  And, briefly, Marley and Rudy, because the snow was deep and substantial enough for Todd to shovel out a small fort.

Whatever.  At least, because of the seasonally appropriate warm weather that followed, all of that snow melted by the end of the next week.  But then guess what?  It's happening again.  It is happening right now.  Stop it, snow!

It may not be a foot of snow, but it was enough to warrant another snow day.  And so now, my family's trip to Truro in June will be briefly interrupted by at least one day of school.  What I mean is, Todd, Michael, and Danielle will have to drive back home from vacation on a Monday for the last day of school and its mandatory meeting for teachers and administrators.  It is dreadful, and I have had enough of the snow.


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