My Frantic November Recap.

Oh no!  There are less than eight hours left in 2013 and I haven't posted anything in over a month which means there's no official written record of the depravity that ensued at Danielle's home on Thanksgiving oh my goodness.  And how are you to know that Rudy's head nearly exploded (not really) upon entering the New England Aquarium, its 200,000 gallon Giant Ocean Tank filled with thousands of Friends of Twist Hounce?
 Okay.  Now you know.  Rudy and Hat Lamb were delirious.
 Twisty took several opportunities to pose in artificial aquatic settings.  And yes, we were really, really worried about somehow losing Twist Hounce in the tank or just somewhere in the building.  But Todd and I keep firm tabs on his whereabouts throughout the trip.
 Transition to: Thanksgiving.  Rudy's and Jackson's preschool hosted a fairly casual feast and we all found ways to leave our respective jobs to attend.  Rudy was a bejeweled Pilgrim, so much more alert than she had been at her preschool's feast two years ago, when she sat drooling on her Pilgrimesque collar while her classmates sang.
 Jackson represented both Native Americans and New England Patriots.  
 And then: the actual feast.  Danielle and Jeff hosted in their new home, and I got all aproned up to assist in kitchen preparations.  I posed with Danielle before a celebratory shot of cranberry brandy.
 I posed with Michael, who is now, once again, a colleague at the high school.  Like, here are two teachers who are very, very happy about the long weekend.  
And then I posed with everyone, feeling very celebratory.  Here you can see that I found a turkey baster that looks just like a microphone, a turkey baster that I sang into for a long time, surely annoying everyone, before succumbing to all the brandy that I had consumed and collapsing on the couch in a boozy fog.  Thanksgiving!

Now you know.


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