I got to Marley's preschool almost a half-hour early this morning (this is huge) so that we would leave promptly and make it home in time to watch Barack Obama take his oath of office. She was dismissed at 11:30 a.m., and we were definitely in front of the television (with, to begin, yogurt, kettle corn, string cheese, and a juice box all at hand) before noon. I spent the next two hours tearing up and smiling. Can you believe this guy is our president? This summer I read The Audacity of Hope and Dreams from My Father and still marvel at the written (and spoken) eloquence we're going to get for the next four years! It's so fantastic! I'm using exclamation points! (P.S. I love that Dr. Jill Biden. She's an English teacher, and I would spill to Oprah, too.)
I started the morning with many more obstacles. Lately, Marley only wants to wear dresses. (This must be payback for the very, very minimal amount of pink clothing I have enforced since she was an infant.) Because it's January, and freezing, and we didn't have clean tights, there were arguments, even after we laid out a complete outfit (including a Hermie shirt) last night. We were running so late that there was no time for breakfast, so I poured some Rice Krispies into a sandwich bag for the ride across town. Long story short: they ended up all over the kitchen floor. But while Marley was at school, Toot and I got groceries and I straightened up the house. While President Obama was lunching, I made beef stew, opening a bottle of wine to do so (and drinking the rest to celebrate).
Can Marley understand my simplistic explanation of the presidency? Can Rudy sleep through the night? Can I drink a bottle of wine all by myself while intermittently screaming about how cool Barack Obama is? More importantly, can we move on from morning tantrums?
Yes we can!