Through the Eyes of a Child
It's raining. Again. (It makes me want to sing this.) It's been raining for the past...three months? So to cheer myself up, to occupy Marley and keep her from a possible fifth hour of children's television today, and to sabotage my chances of feeling decent in a swimsuit this summer, we made chocolate chip cookies*. I had them for lunch.
As I was washing up, Marley looked at me over her glasses (she does this a lot, and it is so adorably nerdy) and confided that she liked the batter best. Even better than the cookies. I told her that most people do. And then I said, "Did you know that there's an ice cream flavor called cookie dough? It's like vanilla, but there are little pieces of cookie dough all throughout it."
Marley's eyes and smile widened. She actually brightened. It was the most glorious thing she had ever heard. "I want to try that!" she said. Imagine just learning about cookie dough ice cream? Rudy's only begun to string syllables together, and even she can't contain herself. Moments like these, I'm glad that I'm a mom. I'm reminded that, for example, ice cream is miraculous and a cartoon mouse untying his sleep-tangled tail (Cinderella) is hilarious.
*Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies from The New Best Recipe. Page 777. I make them with too many walnuts, and they are ridiculous.