High school field hockey double sessions start in about a month, and I'm a junior varsity coach this year. [True story: Last summer I told a former Smith College field hockey teammate that I was glad to be coaching at the eighth grade level because I didn't want to deal with the pressure of the varsity team. She was about to leave with the National Democratic Institute to help Thailand write its constitution. Literally. Helping a nation-state. Write a document establishing its government's principles and laws. So, pressure? Another Smith friend is Al Franken's Communications Director. And I'm having a hard time getting it together to order my Snapfish pictures before the coupon code my sister sent me expires. Jesus H.]
Because I am (truly) excited about the idea of sweating while racing around with a stick to demonstrate drills during the eighty degree preseason, I've been making a sort of effort to get back in shape. Even though I can fit into some of my pre-pregnancy clothes, I am still a weakling who often pants at the top of the stairs. Over ten years ago, I proudly commanded my friends, "Poke my quad! Poke my quad!" at the end of my college preseason. If I flexed, there were visible muscles to be proud of, proof of physical exertion. I never wanted to be skinny; I always wanted to look like Gabrielle Reese. (And she ended up with Laird Hamilton, and I will watch surfing documentaries for hours to see him crouch on a board for five minutes.) But anyhow, I don't want anybody poking anything these days. So when a friend complimented me on reaching my fighting weight the other day, it was nice, but I'm not ready for fighting just yet. And when I started to say that it must be my mom's good genes, I started laughing instead because her other genes, the Alzheimer's E4s detected in a blood test, mean I could lose my mind as easily as a few measly pounds. I'm doing what I can, though, working through a crossword when I've got a few minutes and shuffling through my neighborhood with the Jackson Five's "Can You Feel It" on my iPod when I've got a few minutes more. That song is fantastic. I would totally want it included in my warm-up music if I were ever on a team again. My team these days consists of Todd, Bean, and Toot, and the closest thing we've got to a soundtrack includes my warbling falsetto version of "Once Upon a Dream," and Marley's original sing-song "Wipe My Bum!" drifting out from the bathroom.