Super Powers.

I had the flu last week, and it was terrible.

To begin, I consider myself a healthy, healthful person. I eat fruits and vegetables, and I think about eating them more often. I ran a 10K in Boston a couple of weeks ago, and to prepare for it I went for early morning jogs almost three times a week this fall. And then: the flu. The headaches, body aches, chills, fatigue, nausea, and fever. Lots of coughing. Lots of exhaustion. (I was too tired, even, for coffee!) I was slack-mouthed in bed and on the couch, barely watching the morning and afternoon television I'm usually too scheduled and frantic to enjoy. And my teeny-tiny Rudy friend felt so heavy, too heavy to carry for more than a couple of minutes at a time. Because did I mention? When a stay-at-home-mom like me is home sick, there are still children running and crawling around there amidst piles of tissues and bottles of hand sanitizer. (And I know that it wasn't any better for them. I know. For crying out loud, practically dictates that I should've been in an isolated, darkened room with a protective mask and latex gloves on the whole time.) Todd helped before he left for work and when he got home, but I still had a four-year-old and an almost-one-year-old in my immediate care for the ten to eleven hours a day I was supposedly RESTING and recovering. By the end of the day I was pretty snappy. As in, I snapped several times. Marley wants to color? NO! She needs a special plate? NO! Rudy's taking her glasses off again? NO!

Next time, Todd will take a day off. I made the necessity of this clear when I suggested that the next time he's home sick, I'll take advantage of his child care and head out for some all-day errands. Wheeee!

I don't know whether it was H1N1. I do know that outside of my immediate circle of family and friends, no one cares. At Marley's four-year well visit today, her doctor said I sounded like I had something respiratory going on. (I do.) I said, "Yeah, I was pretty sick last week. [dramatic pause] I think I had the flu." She and the nurse nodded, busy with paperwork and Bean's examination. "Oh, too bad."

Yesterday I started to get myself back on track after four days of slumping along in a weary puddle of influenza. I brought Marley and Rudy to a neighborhood Halloween party thrown by the effervescent, costumed, butterfly fairy Liz and her family. It was the first of seven costume-wearing occasions for Marley this week. She is a pink superhero, most excited by the glitter she gets to wear on her face and the pink spray in her hair. Rudy is a super baby. (No kidding.)

But where, oh where were their superpowers when I needed them to make their own lunches and dinners last Thursday and Friday?


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