Todd and I were CRAZY and bought a camera last night after less than two weeks of research. (Actually, it was only one afternoon of research, which is simultaneously insane and reasonable, considering that our options were already limited by cost.) And speaking of cost, yes, I was that woman you heard in the bookstore telling her weeping child that I was not going to pay for a twenty dollar coloring book, no matter how "cool" its designs or included markers were. The same child was perfectly happy with several holiday coloring books we found at a dollar store a half-hour later.
And when I heard Marley mutter, "Let's not tell her we sneaked another one," from the back seat, I understood why I had paid FOUR dollars instead of three at the register. (At the time, I thought, oh, I guess these each cost a little more and didn't want to be too Scroogey about it. At a dollar store.) It turns out, she snuck a My Little Pony coloring book in the pile I told her to be in charge of! Pretty sly, Bean.