That Cool, Refreshing Drink
No one from the open house bought lemonade from us. But it wasn't a very busy open house anyways. Thankfully, Heather and Danielle each drove out with their kids to buy a couple of cups. Marley was a little flustered each time she had to make change and pour a glass, but she was a sweet little shopkeeper.
The lemonade stand did take on a life of its own, though. Our neighbors from across the street, two boys, ages three and seven, were involved from the get-go. And just when we were wrapping up, two sisters from a few houses down pedaled over and got in on the action. And then two boys and their sister from even farther down the road joined the company.
At twenty-five cents a cup, we made about twelve or thirteen dollars, mostly through large tips. Marley put all of the coins into her piggy bank, and she used five dollars to buy a pack of sand toys this morning. The five dollars that's left will be a donation for our library. And believe me, we're not doing another lemonade stand for at least a couple of months. Even though Bean asked me to set one up again this morning.