Things that really deserve more time and attention:

Rudy is nearing eighteen months of age, and she is a delightful, feisty nut. She now draws with crayons instead of eating them.

The Easter Bunny came to our house and left lots of chocolate that Marley has been enjoying every day since. She and Emma had a good time at the egg hunt put on by my mother's day care. My mom was holding Jackson on her lap at the festivities, and when someone asked whose baby he was, she smiled and exclaimed, "I don't know!" Danielle interrupted: "He's her grandson." So that's where we are with that.

Most important. And most outstanding. Marley now rides her bike without training wheels. Allow me to sound like sad Katie Holmes for a second: she's an amazing, magical, little lady. Seriously, though. I didn't accomplish this rite of passage until something like the second grade, and it took me days, and I remember my lanky grandfather jogging alongside me holding me up by my NECK. Marley figured it out in about an hour. And if I do say so myself, my coaching experience came in pret-ty handy. Marley and I did a lot of fist bumping last Friday afternoon when this all went down.


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