Hang Time.
Note Todd's Boston sports gear. I have triumphantly made him a Celtics fan, and we will be watching tonight while spinning rally towels my friend Kathy gave me after she went to Game Three and was ACTUALLY IN THE SAME ROOM when Rondo dove after a loose ball, got up, and made a sweet little lay-up. That play is getting a lot of air time, along with Kendrick Perkins stomping off like Marley after I tell her she's had enough chocolate milk for the day. But Rondo's move pretty much epitomizes the kind of hustle I want to show every kid I ever teach or coach and say, "Look at this. This is what trying looks like. This is what I mean. It's really not that hard to at least try, is it?" And then I'd cue up Rudy and start in on perseverance.
I mean, look at Toot up there, all delighted with her tiny arc of flight. That kid is all about hustle. You should see her scurry down the street with her baby doll in a carriage. She only wants to walk in one direction, though. When I even suggest that we head to the right, she makes her big-eyed grumpy face and yells, "NOOooo!" This is the sort of thing that can quickly escalate into a tantrum during which Rudy either sits down and rapidly bangs her heels on the floor while screaming, "NOOO! NO! NOOOO!" or lies on her back with bent knees and propels herself around the room or yard by pushing off her feet while screeching so loudly that I actually wince.
Anyhow, go Rudy. Wheeeee! And go Celtics. For threeeee!