My kids change so fast. I am slow.

Sometimes I look at how long it's been since I've posted anything, and I am shocked to find that more than a week has passed. Here are some things that have been keeping me busy since last Monday.

1. Marley's preschool class went on its annual apple-picking field trip, and I got to be a chaperone. This is the kind of relaxing Quality-Time-with-a-Cute-Kid that lasts for minutes on end. When you're first pregnant, you think it might be your life, and after a few years, you settle for the eight-minutes-in-a-row when your daughter wants to hang out with you at the playground after the pumpkin patch and the cider doughnuts.

2. Marley has been extra sassy lately. Aside from the field trip and several other sweet occasions, that girl has been stomping and bossing up a storm in our house. And it's not cool. [An aside: Fairly often, I let Marley know what's up with a grumpy, "Not okay!" And the other night, when my field hockey defense and goalkeeper let in a ridiculous goal, I was all, "Not okay! Not okay, Hawks!" from the sidelines.]

I think, for one thing. Bean's reacting to Rudy's growing up. She loves her little sister, and she loves that they can now talk and play together, but she does not like Rudy touching her stuff. And most of Rudy's stuff used to be Marley's, and if Rudy's got some old book or doll that Marley hasn't cared about in two years, all of a sudden that item is precious, precious, precious, and Bean has got to have it back. Now. And she gets all stern with Rudy. She's not screaming, "Not okay!" or anything, but I can totally see where she gets the all-business from.

3. I finally got around to switching out Rudy's summer clothes for a fall hand-me-down wardrobe, and that kid pounced on the Disney Princess pajamas immediately. This clothing swap was a process that stretched out over a few different afternoons, and in the middle of it I emptied Rudy's drawers of shorts and tank tops and sundresses, and started to get all melancholy because there were so many things she didn't even put on once. That's what happens when you have an older sister, two older cousins, and a friend of a friend whose little girl has worn out some pretty sweet items. Anyhow, Todd and I have decided more than once that Bean and Toot are it for us, but afternoons like that, putting away sundresses that Rudy's outgrown before she's even gotten the chance to wear them, are depressing. I love that kid and her silly ways, and I love having actual conversations with her about things like Marley's ballet shoes and the puppy barking somewhere in the neighborhood, and watching her toss leaves over her head like it's the funniest thing in the world, but also? I miss that baby.

4. I ran the Tufts 10K for the eleventh time over the weekend, and I did it the fastest I ever have. Fast for me is less than a ten-minute mile, so I should probably write "the least slow" instead, so as not to suggest any bursts of gazelle-like speed. I love the Tufts because it's all ladies, because the course loops back on itself a couple times and winds through Boston, and because it's in the middle of fall and usually on a summer-y, windy sort of day. And Todd brought Bean and Toot into town to cheer me on, and I saw them first on the Longfellow Bridge just after Charles Street when I was feeling good, and again on Comm Ave., just before the finish when I was feeling like I was going to first throw up and then pass out.

My assistant coach ran a marathon a few weeks ago, and she actually placed fifth for women and ran a 7:23 split, so I feel a little shamed by my exhaustion, but my 9:35 10K split is about 30 seconds faster than anything I've done before, so thank you, Boot Camp! I spent the rest of the day Monday all slumped on the couch while Rudy napped and Todd and Bean rode their bikes to a roller rink in town where I once had my seventh or eighth birthday party. Todd came back to tell me that Marley had fallen on her butt a few dozen times. I asked all groggily, "Was Will there?" And when Todd said yes, my next question, though still sleepy, was immediate: "Did they do the Couples Skate?"

5. The Celtics have begun their preseason. And Marley knows to whisper "Yes!" all excitedly when we make a basket. And sometimes she's all gleeful and reverent when she asks, "Was it KG?" And Rudy knows how to yell, "Rondoooooo!" So it's going to be a great winter.


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