Hey, we have animals, too!
First of all, this April vacation weather is ridiculous. Disappointing. Infuriating. For the past few days, it's been all gray and dreary and chilly. Like, oh look, I can see some tulips and crocuses emerging! Oh, and also, I can see my breath because it's not even forty degrees out!

So that's what's going on with me. And tomorrow, it's supposed to be warmer out. Like, above fifty degrees. Whoopee.
The sun came out today, but it was so windy that at lacrosse practice I was wearing my gloves and mittens, my winter hat (Go Celtics.), and my rainbow fleece scarf. I distinctly remember wearing a tank top and shorts at one of our vacation practices last year. And when I got home from practice, I discovered that Rudy was not having an afternoon nap. Because there she was, on the couch with Bean and the babysitter. So, because we cancelled plans to go to a nearby Farmland Extraordinaire yesterday due to rain, I dared to asked Marley and Rudy if they wanted to try a quick afternoon visit before it closed. We get a family membership for the season, and I try to get my money's worth before the school year is over so that every other visit, especially when the splash park is open, is a bonus.
And so there we were, outside in the parking lot while Rudy screeched and writhed on the ground in protest over the sweatshirt I was making her wear, while Marley hopped around all angrily beside her yelling at her to calm down so we could see the BABY ANIMALS. I'm sure every mother exiting wondered what the hell I was doing bringing whining, tantruming kids into the farm. Why start a visit that way? It's kind of like those touch-and-go moments when you first walk into Target (I know you know what I'm talking about), and your kid is totally flipping out about sitting in the carriage, and you're looking at your list and thinking, "Is it worth it? (Also, help!) Should I give up? Is this a ten-second thing that's happening right now or is it the start of a fifteen-minute-thing?"
Rudy eventually succumbed to the sweatshirt. Which is custom pink Hawk wear, for crying out loud, so I have no idea what her problem is. And then we got to visit with some adorable lambs, just a month old, and some friendly, super-cute baby goats, too.
And Marley made special friends with a Jacob Sheep named Thumbelina, who she was still talking about at dinner tonight. Beanie's all of a sudden into how cute little animals are. She and our cat Mr. Peterson are best friends lately. If you wonder where Beanie is these days, odds are that she's curled up with him on the couch, or crouching near him and laughing hysterically, or making smoochy noises at him to come closer. It's funny, because he has a reputation in our house for being sort of skittish, and gentle. Almost formal. But he loves the attention she gives him, and they do both have a certain graceful flair. Rudy and our other cat, Oliver, make a great duo, too. They are rascally and playful and now that I think of it, each of our daughters has chosen the right cat to buddy up with.