Beanie started tee ball a few weeks ago, and I got to take her to practice for the first time last week, which was outstanding. She is one of two girls on the team, and they both have their own pink batting helmets. And the boys were a riot. At one point, several were riding their bats like stick horses. During a ground ball drill, two were off wrestling in the outfield. And another peed his pants because he was having so much fun that he didn't want to leave. Even as his dad laughed that it was time to go, the little guy protested: "Aw, c'mon! I'm not even that wet!" And Marley was so focused. I witnessed her very careful placement of her gloved left hand and then her right leg before she wound up and tossed the ball to her little partner. She was so earnest about getting it right. Which, of course, made me very proud. Fundamentals. But even more exciting was Marley's leaving the house for practice wearing sneakers and no skirt without any fuss. I think she's growing up, just a little bit, and she gets that certain activities require certain clothes and shoes. Hallelujah.
A brief controversy arose before her team ran the bases (and Marley had such a serious face, pumping those arms just like I've taught her) at the end of practice. Her coach polled the team to see what mascot they should choose, and Marley politely raised her hand. When she was called on, she suggested "panthers," and the coaches were immediately shocked and amused. The Panthers happen to be the Hawks' rivals from the next town over. It would be like, you know, suggesting the Yankees or the Lakers. So to cover for her, I shouted, "She really loves the Pink Panther!" from the bench. Poor Beanie. Her coach joked, "Tell your Uncle Mike that one, Marley," but then kindly pulled her aside and told her, after "Pirates" had officially been chosen, that "Pink Panthers" would've been his next choice.
And actually, my family is ridiculously Hawk-centric. I coach two high school teams, Michael in charge of hockey, and Jeff coaches the baseball team. Jeff, by the way, played for the Hawks when they won a baseball state championship in 1999. I am not making this up: sometimes, when I'm getting off the phone with Heather or Todd because I'm heading to practice or a game, they sign off with "Go Hawks!"
Marley's first tee ball game will be this Sunday, and I cannot wait. I think I'll bring along some Cracker Jack to snack on with Rudy and Todd, and then I'd like some grilled hot dogs when we get home. We will root for our home team, and especially, for our Tiny Bean.