"But, Rudy," I pleaded. "I have Celtics shirts. Please can I be in your club?"
That Toot has been coming up with some great lines lately. The other day when I was watching Emma and Jackson, Rudy called Jackson a weirdo. First of all, Rudy, you're one to talk. Secondly, she then carried on with a silly sort of tirade when she added, the way a grumpy old man on a porch shaking his fist might, "I see you, Jackson. Walking around!"
And yes, I will wear my Celtics shirt tomorrow. Even though I am let down and oh-so-tired of hearing about and watching Dwayne Wade and GD LeBron James. Enough. Let's get it together for Saturday night, boys. Don't you know that you're so very clearly the good guys in this one?