What. The.

It snowed yesterday.  And last night.  A lot.  And we woke up without power, and Todd's outside clearing fallen twigs, branches, and fifteen-foot limbs from the backyard.  Toot had a good time in the heavy wet snow this morning.  She stomped around, carrying a purse filled with various pretend foods in case she got pretend hungry.  She still puts up a fight when I tell her to put on actual jacket with sleeves.  This winter is not going to be easy, because the puffy vest only does so much good, and there's only so many times we can head out looking like that before the neighbors wonder why my child is no better dressed for the elements than Suri Cruise is.
Let's hear it for sensible Marley, who came in from the cold soon after our power and heat returned, ready to lounge.  And what better way to to do that on a snowy Sunday afternoon in October?  How about putting on your best party dress and reading the comics?


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