Do It Yourself. By Marley.
Marley's kindergarten celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday with a week of dress-up opportunities. Tuesday, when I was the mystery reader for Fox in Socks, it was Silly Sock Day. (And by the way, that book is a tough one. I was actually nervous about how I'd manage being a cheerful, entertaining reader to a class of five- and six-year-olds while casually tossing off pages of tongue twisters. And when I confessed as much to Marley's teacher before I walked in, she mentioned that the mother from the morning class had practiced all night, because English isn't her first language. And then I was all, okay, Jen. Get over yourself. Also, when the clues for the mystery reader on Tuesday included things like: "This reader loves Grover and the Celtics," I just know that Marley was rolling her eyes and saying something like, "You guys. It's my mom.")
Anyhow, Monday, for Cat in the Hat, it was Hat Day. And I really pushed for the birthday cake hat we bought at Ikea a few years ago. You don't get a lot of opportunities to wear a beauty like that, I was thinking.
It was just another version of the story that's been happening around here every so often. I mean, remember the 100 Day Project? The story's basic plot line is: Jen. Relax. Marley's got this.