Jackson's Back!

A couple of weeks ago, we got some extended hang time with Jackson during his daycare provider's vacation.  Last year, there was a lot of dancing and paparazzi slamming.  This year, the weather was unseasonably warm, something amazing like sixty degrees.  (Which, by the way, was a preview for the entire week of ridiculous summer weather that followed.  What I mean is, the first week of lacrosse practice, I was coaching in some tank tops and my shoulders got a little rosy.  And last year, it snowed during our first game.  Things are back to normal now though.  It's all gloomy and rainy and forty degrees.)

Jackson got to come along with us and watch Rudy at gymnastics, and then he was a champ at Marley's and Rudy's semi-annual opthamologist appointment.  In fact, when Rudy got her eyes dilated, she was a sad little heap in my lap, and Jackson hurried over from the waiting room toys with a concerned look on his face and his precious blanket, Fifi, in his hands.  He handed Fifi to Rudy and they both seemed reassured that things were going to get better.  I was melting a little at the way he cared for his cousin.  Even Marley, watching from the table of wires and beads, commented, "I wouldn't do that."  She has, though.  I reminded her of the time she let Sick Rudy snuggle Ghostie.

Basically, Jackson is as awesome as he ever was.  His shirt, above, reads "I'm with genius," in case you can't read it clearly.  On this day, I tried really hard to get a picture of him with Rudy on his right, but it didn't happen. Maybe it's more appropriate with Marley there anyways.


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