A Bumpy Ride.

While visiting friends in Maine a few weekends ago, we stopped at an elementary school playground that had a roller slide.  It was sort of uncomfortable, and yes, I did try it.  Marley and Todd didn't think it was that much fun either.

But, Rudy Toot?  She loved it.  Of course she did.  And she's still talking, with wide, enthusiastic eyes, about The Bumpity Slide, weeks later.

Honestly.  I would like to be as thrilled by anything as Rudy is by this six-second ride along some sloping rollers.  Sometimes, when Rudy's wailing with her head thrown back in misery (just like her big sister Marley), I think (in retrospect, after I've had time to react and more often than not, reconsider my reaction for next time) that it must be hard to be three.

But mostly, I think it must be really great to be three, especially if you're Rudy.


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