But what about Ray Allen?

Let me tell you.  I have spent a fair amount of time in the past couple of months thinking about the Celtics.  Let's start with RayRay.  I was in New Hampshire with friends when Jeff sent me a text that read, "Time to burn your RayRay shirt!"  And that's how I found out that Ray Allen was really, truly, going to play for Miami?  Ugh.  I loved that guy.  I still do.  I have more than a little bit of heartbreak about his leaving, and it's going to be even worse when Boston plays the Heat next year.  I'll be the one rocking in a sad little heap in the corner, if not literally, then in my mind, while assuring everyone with a laugh that I'm fine.  No, really, it's no big deal.

I knew, when the Celtics lost Game Seven, that it was the end of the Big Three.  Because I was camping with Mary and her girls that night (and obsessively checking the score on my phone while listening to WEEI and still trying to be a fun campfire-side companion), I asked Todd to tape the game for me.  I figured I'd watch it as soon as I got home if they won, and that if they lost, I'd still want to watch it someday.  I haven't watched it yet.  But I'm going to.

And here's something else.  I love that KG said he would rather retire than play anywhere else.  I felt like crying when I heard that.  He is fantastic, and I plan on frequently tying my shorts while head-butting my basketball hoop's padded pole as tribute.  Todd will love that, right?  And the truth is, losing KG would've hurt more than losing RayRay.  And we've still got Paul Pierce and Doc, and Jeff Green and Brandon Bass, and of course, Rondooooooo, and I'm going to be okay.

Here's something else.  The mess that was Game Six in Boston, the one that I was sure the Celtics would win to make it to the Finals, was such a sad spectacle that I tried to distract myself from the loss by taking formal portraits of Monkey.  This guy was a traveling mascot who accompanied Todd and me on our adventures long ago: across America, England, Scotland, mainland Portugal and the Azores.  Poor guy.  Since we've had kids, he's just been slumped on a bookshelf waiting for the next travel itinerary.


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