Cloche it up.

The reason I love cloches is the same reason I prefer using planters for flowers and plants, specifically autumn mums, which practically contain themselves.  They are little decoration compartments, and they keep arrangements preserved, low-maintenance, and, most important to me and maybe ridiculous to you: tidy.

I started looking in earnest for cloches last spring to start my collection, and right now I have three that have covered little displays for Easter, autumn, Marley's birthday, and now, spooky, creepy Halloween.  I never got it together for a series of summer tableaus, but I've got some ideas for next year. 

Actually, I also love all foods that are contained, specialties wrapped or baked in dough or bread, and across cultures and cuisines.  I mean: samosas, burritos, empanadas, dumplings, pasties, and potstickers.  Even maki, which is sushi that's pretty much contained by seaweed.

Mostly, my penchant for containers is consistent and predictable.  I just want things put away, in cabinets, drawers, baskets, or planters.  In this respect, I'm very easy to please and at my most uncomplicated.  Did you hear that, Todd?


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