Happy New Year!
Well, it's 2013, and I'm still a long-term work-in-progress. That growing and developing is so cute and sweet when you're a little girl, but not so much when you're in your mid-thirties and haven't had enough ambition to style your hair for at least ten years. I'll get there, eventually. My concrete goals for 2013 are simple and somewhat pathetic: drink more water and get more sleep. So I'm turning in at 10 p.m. and convincing myself that I don't need to use the minutes after that to catch up on DVRed episodes of The Daily Show or Watch What Happens Live. And no, I wouldn't use the mornings or afternoons to do that, because I try not to turn on the television when I'm at home with my kids. I mean, sometimes, after lunch, Toot and I watch Charlie and Lola, which I LOVE, and I remember watching the Food Network all slackjawed in the afternoon when Marley was younger, but that's a slippery slope. I think it's better for me and my kids to do other things while music plays, which is why Rudy and I kept busy this afternoon (me cleaning, her playing) while Songza inspired us to shimmy every so often with a Bossa Nova playlist.
Anyhow, sleep and water. I treated myself to a deluxe new water bottle (insulated, with a straw), and promptly left it behind in the children's department of our public library the very first day I took it out of the house. I wailed (jokingly - I'm not that far gone) to the librarian I spoke to on the phone: "I don't deserve nice things!" But then I got it back and I am using it. So let me pat myself on the back for a week's worth of healthy hydration, and for its accompanying constant need to pee.
Rudy's preschool class rang in 2013 by making the same hats that her big sister made in the same classroom two years ago. Marley was desperate to stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve, but instead I promised her that I'd wake her up to watch the ball drop if she fell asleep beforehand. And she did, and I did, and Todd and I started 2013 snuggling with Bean on the couch. And then I showed her the latest slideshow I had made, and then she went back to bed with Todd and they both read for a little while before we all spent the first hours of 2013 cozy, and sound asleep. And isn't it always so great to finally crawl into bed and curl up, especially in the winter? I really, really need to remember that, even when Andy Cohen seems like more fun.
Anyhow, sleep and water. I treated myself to a deluxe new water bottle (insulated, with a straw), and promptly left it behind in the children's department of our public library the very first day I took it out of the house. I wailed (jokingly - I'm not that far gone) to the librarian I spoke to on the phone: "I don't deserve nice things!" But then I got it back and I am using it. So let me pat myself on the back for a week's worth of healthy hydration, and for its accompanying constant need to pee.
Rudy's preschool class rang in 2013 by making the same hats that her big sister made in the same classroom two years ago. Marley was desperate to stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve, but instead I promised her that I'd wake her up to watch the ball drop if she fell asleep beforehand. And she did, and I did, and Todd and I started 2013 snuggling with Bean on the couch. And then I showed her the latest slideshow I had made, and then she went back to bed with Todd and they both read for a little while before we all spent the first hours of 2013 cozy, and sound asleep. And isn't it always so great to finally crawl into bed and curl up, especially in the winter? I really, really need to remember that, even when Andy Cohen seems like more fun.