A Reveal.

Per my pestering, nagging requests over the past few weeks and months, Todd repainted our girls's bedroom at the end of February.  When we moved here almost six years ago, Marley was two.  She loved the color yellow and Curious George, and therefore her room was yellow with a favorite quotation affixed to the wall: "He was a good little monkey and always very curious."  And then, Marley became a big sister, and eventually her little sister moved in with her, and that little sister steadily peeled at the vinyl letters in that quotation until who knows what that li tle mo k y was, and it was past time for a change.

 We were inadvertently wise to wait as long as we did, however, because Marley is past her EVERYTHING MUST BE PINK stage and wanted her room to be blue.  Rudy voted for purple, Heather helped me choose complimentary hues, and Todd got it done over the course of a painful, fume-filled weekend.  I helped by encouraging Marley to go through the stacks of boxes and trays and baskets of products underneath the pink vanity she no longer uses, and by encouraging her to get rid of the vanity all together.  Imagine my glee when I brought two kitchen trash bags of stuff out to the shed, and when I lugged that vanity to the basement.  It will feature prominently in a yard sale this summer if we have one, and if we don't, it will feature prominently on our curb with a "FREE!" sign.  

We replaced the vanity with a twenty-dollar bookcase from Target I spruced up with happy fabric, and I also got some on-sale ledges to clear the clutter from Marley's dresser-top.  That bureau, by the way, was custom-made by Todd before Marley was even born.  When she lived in a walk-in closet as an infant, that dresser held her onesies and was topped with a changing pad.  Now it holds actual jeans that she wears and is topped by a locked box of seven-year-old treasures.

Bean and Toot are happy with their new Big Girl space, more befitting the sweet and zany four-year-old  and smart and sassy seven-year-old duo we live with.  I'm happy that there's so much more space in their new space since it's been cleaned out, and let's face it: Todd's happy that he's done with it and I'm not asking him when it's going to happen anymore.


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