Father and Lucky Daughter.

Marley and Todd went to their third Father-Daughter Dance last weekend.
(Here, by the way, is their first, and here is their second.)

Danielle was hosting a baby shower that night, and since Michael was busy dancing with Riley, Jeff was busy dancing with Emma, and Heather and Owen were having a special movie date, a whiny and feverish Rudy and I stayed at home with the ever-manic and ever-cute Jackson.  At the start of his visit, he spent five awesome minutes racing around in circles while muttering and crowing on behalf of our limp-necked Kevin stuffie.

 After Jackson left and Rudy was sleeping with the help of Motrin upstairs, I settled on the couch to catch up on DVRed Bravo.  And then, Todd sent me a text with THIS PICTURE.  Guess whose daughter won two tickets to the Celtics-Pacers game next month? MINE!

And then, guess whose daughter also won the raffle for a BIKE!?  My head exploded when Todd sent me this one.  And I am so happy that my Bean's got a brand new, shiny bike.  Up to now, it's been only hand-me-downs from neighbors and friends in our garage, plus at least one scooter that Todd picked up because it was wearing a "FREE" sign while parked on a curb.  When I was a kid, I rode my mom's rattling, embarrassing, but undeniably utilitarian brown bike, and that was not much fun.  I think my first new bike was the one I purchased to bring with me to college.

 Flush with their winnings, Marley and Todd returned home after ten and I got off the couch to make a fast, teeny batch of chocolate chip cookies.  Honestly.  For one carefree, prosperous evening, we were really living the life. 


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